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They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But when it comes to the world of e-commerce, a picture won’t always make the sale. A product description is your chance to convince readers that your product offers something special. Your opportunity to make it stand out from the multitude of other products on the market. One e-commerce study even said that 20% of purchase failures were a result of an unclear or incomplete product description.

A well-written product description lets web users know exactly what you have to offer. It may be easy in 2019 to Google products and find unbiased consumer reviews, but product descriptions are still an important part of e-commerce and of a good digital marketing strategy.

If you’d like product descriptions that turn browsers into buyers – written in your brand voice – contact Content Authority. Because in 2019, product descriptions remain as relevant to e-commerce as ever. Here are some reasons why.

Unique information for unique products

If your product is an improvement upon similar products on the market, you want buyers to know why it’s an improvement. For instance, what makes your marketing e-book more useful, more relevant or more distinctive than the other e-books out there? All products are unique, but if you feel yours is especially unique, a product description helps you to justify why that is, and hopefully make the sale in the process.

The convenience of online shopping

Last year, Australians spent more than 27 billion dollars on online shopping.  When it’s so straightforward to shop from home on your laptop or your phone, why not? If customers can check out your product online then click straight through to order, why make them go to another website for reviews or more information? With a decent product description, you can speak to your customer about your product right then and there? This is particularly relevant when it comes to mobile and smart phone purchases, which you’ll read more about in a moment.

A personalized shopping experience


When a customer makes their purchase online, there’s no warm and friendly salesperson or retail assistant there. It’s just the customer, their laptop, their credit card and whatever information you as the retailer have decided to share. With a well-written product description, your brand voice can shine through. You can let the customer know that their satisfaction is your priority with the information you include and the style and tone of the text. You can show them in a personable way that you can satisfy their wants and needs – the reason they clicked into your site in the first place.

An answer to frequently asked questions


Do you ever get web users e-mailing you about your product asking the same questions time and time again? If you use your product description as the chance to answer frequently asked questions before they come up, that’s highly convenient for the customer and for you. If you have room, you could even add an FAQ or question and answer section to the product description itself for convenience. The more you can satisfy their concerns and curiosity, the more likely you’ll be to score a spur-of-the-moment sale. With an average 6% life on products that have questions answered, it’s worth it.

Smartphone and mobile purchases

A report published by the World Advertising Research Centre (WARC) states that by 2025, almost three quarters of Internet users will access the web only with their smart phones.

A decent marketing strategy needs to incorporate mobile optimisation. For small business owners, a mobile website is a must have. That includes a clear, mobile-friendly product description so that users can click straight through and buy without going anywhere else.

It’s clear that product descriptions are still relevant to e-commerce in 2019 and are likely to remain so long into the future. But product descriptions that don’t adequately showcase what you have to offer won’t help much. You need product descriptions that let readers know what you have to offer and how it can benefit them. For top-quality product descriptions written in your brand voice, contact Content Authority.

